PWC Clubhouse Update – 16/07/2021
Dear DUC and DSBC Members
What more can we say about the past week that has not already been said?
Due in part to our isolated location at the end of the road as well as the tireless efforts of the Point Precinct security company, Thorburn, your club has not been physically affected by the wanton destruction of the last week. However we have had to shut operations completely with all staff sent home.
The PWC Directors have decided to keep the Point Water Sports Club closed to member use until at least Wednesday 21st July.
Food Situation
Many members have contacted the club looking for meals as they have been running low on food supplies at home and they believe that the club has stock on hand to make meals for members.
Up until Sunday 11th of July the club had been running on Lockdown level 4 mode with only take away meals available and as such only had stock on hand to cater for these types of meals. On Sunday 11th, thanks to the support of the members, we had a relatively bumper day and our food stocks were much reduced as a result.
As looting and disruption to the food supply chain started on the weekend of the 10/11th, the club has not had the opportunity to restock. Just as many of you are, we are trying to find food supplies to restock and we cannot even hazard a guess at this stage as to when we will be able to do so. Our Food and beverage managers, Roxy and Mike are constantly in touch with suppliers for up dates on the supply situation.
Please be patient while service is restored!
Club Hours adjustment
The club opening hours are now:
Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm (effective 17/ 07/21)
Saturday and Sunday 8am to 3pm
Launching under current curfew regulations
As the legislation requires that you be at your place of residence during the curfew hours between 9pm and 4am, the club launch site will only operate and be open between 5am and 5pm until the curfew hours are changed to accommodate night launches.
Access to the club
Club staff have travelled to the club over the past two days without any issues along Mahatma Gandhi road. As mentioned before, the security company for the Point, Thorburn, have done a sterling job in securing the Point precinct and the clubhouse area and beachfront are very safe.
If you want to avoid the construction chaos along the Mahatma Gandhi road, you can consider as an alternative route the beachfront road past Addington Hospital and enter the Point Precinct from behind Addington School.
Surf Ski Auction – postponed until further notice.
Your contact for more details is Dave “Irish” Aikins: david@hsdur.co.za
Surf Ski / Paddling restrictions
After Sunday night’s message from the President, we have received the following guidelines from Canoe SA.
1. The CSA Calendar is suspended until further notice.
2. Paddling can continue but not in groups, so back to training on your own or with immediate family for a couple of weeks.
3. Clubs changerooms can remain open.
4. No club dices, braais etc.
Lynton Appeal
Thank you to those members who supported this appeal. Over 22 000 shares were made via the DUC Facebook page alone. The club members have big hearts.
We look forward to seeing you at the club
The PWC Team