Newsbreak – Coronavirus Update 24/03/2020
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear DUC and DSBC members
After a week of speculation, adaptation and trying to keep up with the rapidly evolving coronavirus situation and its effect on the club operations, the way forward for the next three weeks is now startlingly clear. We are sure there are many of you that have a lot to deal with by the time lockdown begins on Thursday evening after 23h59, so we will keep this short.
- The clubhouse will be closed from Tuesday 24th March from 18h00 until further notice.
- The tractor service will cease 11h00 Wednesday 25th March until further notice
- The launch site will be closed to ALL craft except emergency and official vessels from 15h00 Thursday 26th March until further notice
Access to the club grounds and parking will be restricted and controlled by security 24/7 and all access gates will be locked until further notice.
All club staff will be on leave until 16th April apart from the duty managers who will inspect the club daily to ensure that the clubhouse and the equipment remains in good order awaiting our return.
As lockdown is only scheduled to end Thursday 16th April at 23h00 (if all goes to plan), it will not be possible for the club to resume normal operations on Friday morning 17th April or even over the following weekend as staff will only be able to travel from Friday 17th April onwards .We also need to consider the pressure that the transport infrastructure will be under at that time as every man and his dog will need to be on the road to somewhere.
We will try to resume normal operations as soon as possible after the 16th but realistically, we can only expect all staff back by on duty by Tuesday 21st April. All going well, the launch site will be open on 17th April for self-launches only until the tractor drivers are able to return to work.
Should you have any queries, the club manager, Paul, will be monitoring his email during the lockdown and for once might actually be looking forward to getting some emails from you:
We will also endeavour to keep you updated with further emails and sms communications if there are any developments over the next 21 days that may affect the club and its membership. Also keep an eye on the respective club Facebook pages.
We wish you good health over the coming period and look forward to seeing ALL of you again when we reopen. Make the most of this time with your family, it is one of the silver linings of this pandemic.
The PWSC Executive committee[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]